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IDR 33.000
Memakai metode penyaringan dengan menggunakan active carbon / karbon aktif yang dipercaya dapat menyaring berbagai kotoran / zat berbahaya yang masih terkandung di dalam air.
Seperti menghilangkan kaporit dalam air,karbon aktif kelapa untuk mengurangi zat alkaline, batu karang alami dapat menghapus residu klorin, amonia dan beberapa senyawa logam berat lainnya, air murni lebih manis dan sehat.
Pada awal pemakaian mungkin air akan terlihat sedikit menghitam,hal tersebut wajar mengingat bahan yang digunakan alat penyaring ini adalah carbon / arang.Namun,hal tersebut akan hilang setelah beberapa kali pemakaian.
 Exports of calcium sulfite, Japan
Product Name: 3305 calcium sulfite
Ingredients: a layer of coconut shell activated carbon + layer of calcium sulfite
 Suitable range: 

1. old-fashioned faucet head 16 ~~ 19mm outside diameter.
2. new faucet filter cap wire port diameter of 22 ~ 23mm.
Tip: This product is based on the production of standard parts, suitable to the the faucet production of standard parts. However, in order to avoid the purchase of go back and encounter the problem of non-standard parts faucet and can not be applied, the buyer must be aware of the above specifications before buying, measure up the size of your faucet first, to see if your faucet, and then decide whether buy
1 to avoid in hot water for a long time, it is best to use less than 50 degrees.
2 start using there Blackwater outflow, which is caused by basic activated carbon powder, water for 5-10 seconds after normal use.
Period of use, as the different local water quality.
 Make use method:
1.the use of the old-fashioned faucet: First turn off the tap, in order to prevent the shedding of this product, plug it into the bottom of the tap; taps use: first remove the filter cover on the faucet (Do not be lost for later use), and then coupling precession faucet, then on this product socket coupling prison until then.